Tuesday, April 9, 2013

From the Pensive

A few weeks ago, I decided not to get married. It's nothing conclusive. But as of the moment, I am certain that I can't stay committed to a person, regardless who he may be, for a lifetime. What I visualize instead is me alone in a sunlit house with large windows that spill out a magnificent view of the sea, sitting on a rocking chair with a good thriller book on one hand and a glass of cool lemonade on the other.

I have always been comfortable with solitude. I have always loved the feeling of being at peace. It's a stark contrast to the chaos of love. I have read once that one can never find peace in love. Perhaps because love is a raging force. Imagine the Big Bang happening at the very core of your universe, forming you then changing you, building you then destroying you...Which reminds me that love is only for the brave. For those who are brave enough to ride out these constant storms of change.

And, perhaps, I'm just not one of them.

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